School Leaves Families in the Dark After Teacher Allegedly Grooms 12-Year-Old

Jillian Schneider | May 6, 2024

(The Lion) — Wisconsin parents are outraged after their school district kept families in the dark about a middle school teacher accused of grooming a 12-year-old student.

“Their silence is deafening,” said parent Kristy Murphy at Monday’s protest of the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD). “We’re not going to stop until you hear us.”

The community rallied after details came to light about Kenosha School of Technology Enhanced Curriculum (KTEC) West science teacher Christian Enwright allegedly grooming a young girl.

Parents are angry the district kept its investigation under wraps – and that Enwright is still on staff.

“Why is this person still around?” asked one protester, Kevin Hutchinson.

“It’s ridiculous and it’s disgusting that the safety of our children isn’t being treated the way it should be,” added mother Karina Luna.

Although Kenosha police were notified of the situation, Police Chief Patrick Patton said there was “insufficient evidence for an arrest.”  

Nevertheless, multiple online petitions have called for Enwright’s removal.  

According to the police report, obtained by the Kenosha County Eye, Enwright’s relationship with a young female student dated back to at least June 2023.  

Phone records showed the two conversed late at night and in the early morning hours. The student’s phone also reportedly contained graphic photos of Enwright. 

Police also obtained notes Enwright wrote to the student. 

“I honestly can’t even find the words to correctly express my gratitude for you and how much you mean to me!” the teacher wrote. “It makes me so sad thinking I won’t have you in my class anymore, getting sassy looks from you or wondering what part of the floor you’re laying on … Just know I will ALWAYS be here for you … I hope we stay close next year and beyond! … Love, Mr. Enwright.”  

And another said:  

“I love you and care about you more than words can even come close to explaining. I knew from early on you were special and that we would stay close! You are my favorite! [heart symbol]. Love, Mr. Enwright”  

Enwright allegedly told the student they were “in the same boat” because he slept with an adult woman when he was in middle school. 

Since the news broke, parents feel their trust in the district has been irreparably broken.  

“I’m really upset about this,” said Alicia Figueroa, who has an 11-year-old daughter. “To think that a serious concern of safety regarding children has been raised and they’ve done nothing but almost dismiss the issue.”  

“Nobody was notified at all that there’s even an investigation,” another parent told local media last week. “We didn’t even get an email regarding this until three days ago.” 

KUSD parents are planning another protest at the school board meeting on May 7. 

This article was made available to EdNews Virginia via The Lion, a publication of the Herzog Foundation.