Fairfax County’s School District Leadership Ignores Parents on Title IX Revisions

Stephanie Lundquist-Arora | July 17, 2024

(Washington Examiner) — Last week, I sent an email to Fairfax County Public Schools leaders, inquiring whether they intend to implement President Joe Biden’s revisions to Title IX on Aug. 1. It’s a simple question with a “yes” or “no” answer. But, as with many other important decisions involving our children, the district’s leaders seem to be ignoring parents.

As of the publication of this article, the district has not responded to my inquiry.

Highly paid bureaucrats with little accountability to the district’s taxpayers are making these controversial decisions. The bureaucratic apparatus, under the direction of its superintendent, Michelle Reid, who made $399,836 in 2023, is responsible for the decision about implementing the Biden administration’s changes to Title IX.

On July 9, my school board member informed me that she had sent my inquiry to John Foster, the district’s chief legal counsel. Foster, whose salary was $246,672 in 2023, is notably among those responsible for the district’s administrative bloat and the county’s skyrocketing taxes.

Title IX’s sweeping changes, which Foster does not seem to want to discuss with the district’s inquiring parents, conflate gender with sex, thereby removing the original intent of the law — to protect females in education, in sports, and in vulnerable spaces such as bathrooms and locker rooms. The revisions also remove due process rights for those accused of harassment.