FACT SHEET: ‘Virginia School Choice Solutions’

EdNews Virginia | October 1, 2023

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI), a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, recently issued a fact sheet on the dire state of Virginia’s educational system — and the possible role of school choice in solving the crisis. “National test results for 2022 show that school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic had a harmful effect on American schoolchildren,” AFPI notes. “For the first time in the history of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), scores in reading and math fell by the largest margin in more than 30 years, and students in Virginia were no exception.”

AFPI’s fact sheet highlights the severity of Virginia’s learning losses:

  • “Black 4th grade students had an average reading score that was 29 points lower than that for White students.”
  • “Hispanic 4th grade students had an average reading score that was 16 points lower than that for White students.”
  • “Low-income 4th grade students had an average reading score that was 23 points lower than that for students from middle and high income families.”

“These test scores can have powerful consequences for a generation of children,” AFPI warns. “Reversing these achievement losses will need aggressive action over the next several years. Parents need the ability to leave their government-mandated schools if necessary to help ensure their children have better academic opportunities. School choice is also shown to improve public schools by increasing accountability, fostering competitiveness, and boosting student outcomes. When parents can choose which option best fits their child’s needs, whether that means opting to switch or not, students reap the benefits.”

Educational freedom is the best way to reverse Virginia’s massive learning losses, AFPI concludes. “No one knows the needs and interests of a child more than their parent or guardian,” says Scott Turner, chairman of the institute’s Center for Education Opportunity.