Analysis and Commentary

Families Deserve Freedom From Teachers Union’s Relentless Strikes

Virginia Gentles | July 12, 2024 (Fox News) — National Education Association president Becky Pringle wants to win “all the things.” She wants the nation’s largest teachers union to win all the power, all the elections, and all the progressive demands that radical union activists desire.  Unfortunately, Pringle’s union does not seek to “win” a better education

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Most Nonwhite Americans Don’t Want Their Kids Steeped in Cultural Marxism

Despite the best efforts of leftist activists, many nonwhite parents are fighting back against the LGBT agenda infecting public schools. Stephanie Lundquist-Arora | July 9, 2024 (The Federalist) — Like many left-leaning public school districts across America, the leadership of Fairfax County Public Schools just outside our nation’s capital is majority white, despite the region’s racial diversity.

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